About Etergo

Etergo is an innovative electric mobility company with a goal of making petrol transportation a thing of the past, starting with its first product, the AppScooter.

About the Project

I wanted to highlight this project from 2019, as it required a lot of collaboration with various stakeholders and really pushed me to explore communication strategies & a formal tone of voice.

The challenge was mostly organizing an online Crowdfunding Campaign via our local website, which meant we had to comply with the legal requirements in terms of all communications.

Organic Social Media Strategy was to support all other activities (Investors test drive events, Founders announcements, Stories by the engineers, etc.) while sharing posts that would showcase the social proof (Stories/Interviews with bigger Investors) & announcements of big milestones that we've reached. The campaign was mainly run by paid ads, which targeted lookalike audiences of customers landing on our investors' online platform.

At the end of the 3-month campaign, we've raised € 4MIL, but for me & my set KPIs that campaign resulted in a big (approx. 300 users) & very engaged community that was regularly not only commenting, liking and sharing our posts but also sharing their own pictures/stories/experiences with our product.

My Role:

Selected Visuals:





